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Diving into Existential Authenticity: All of our projects weave a tapestry of existential themes. We cover a range of topics such as injustice, challenging the social system, corporate manipulation, and other subjects that evoke strong emotions in our audiences. However, each of our projects offers a unique lens on the quest for authenticity and the journey to becoming true to oneself at every level.

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World Wide

The "inverted triangle" symbol was inspired by the 'All-Seeing Eye' symbol, representing something or someone watching over everything. However, there are other interpretations. Some, like Freemasons, it signifies a select group controlling the world, with the pyramid and eye suggesting only a few at the top have power and insight. BUT, we believe in the potential for EVERYONE to gain clarity, insight, and power through authentic living (hence the triangle is flipped upside down). We know that a lot people struggle with this.. us included. But we really want people to be happy. We WANT people to become the best versions of themselves.

Inspired by existentialist philosophy, the project champions individual empowerment and authenticity. With 193 triangles representing each country worldwide, the collection embodies a global aspiration for self-realization. Priced affordably, it aims to make empowerment accessible to all. Against diverse landscape backdrops, deliberately blurred to symbolize hidden efforts, the pieces celebrate beauty while urging viewers to embrace their true selves.



Sour Dreams

"Enlightening the Shadows: A Digital Exploration of Children's Nightmares"


In this poignant digital art project, we delve into the haunting realm of children's nightmares, illuminating the harsh realities they face in today's society. Through evocative imagery, we expose the vulnerability of children, thrust into a world where adults wield control, manipulating their environment to suit their own narratives. These chilling scenes serve as a reflection of the unsettling truths permeating our world, where innocence is often sacrificed at the altar of power and influence. Our aim is to ignite the curiosity of viewers, prompting them to confront these uncomfortable truths and engage in meaningful dialogue. By shedding light on the plight of children, we hope to inspire conversations that pave the way for a more compassionate and just future—a world where the innocence of childhood is cherished and protected. Join us in this journey of reflection and advocacy as we strive to create a safer, more peaceful world for generations to come.

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Stellar Atoms

Launching in the Stellar Lumens network, designed to foster liquidity, authenticity, and fun! At its core, we champion Stellar Lumens as a vehicle for global financial inclusivity, empowering individuals to support loved ones across borders affordably. We want  authenticity to be the core of everything, providing a safe space for genuine expression amidst a culture of cancellation and ridicule. Embracing the ethos of existentialism, our designs are inspired by atoms, symbolizing the essence of individuality and authenticity. Each NFT represents a unique 'atom,' encouraging every aspect of oneself to shine authentically. With a diverse range of traits boasting various rarities, our project offers not only collectible assets but also a plethora of interactive experiences, including monthly giveaways, physical merchandise, and exclusive perks! Join us in celebrating the authenticity of every 'atom' and embracing meaningful connections within the Stellar Lumens community!


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