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  • Writer's pictureAuthentic Atoms

Authentic Self

I love this concept of Authenticity. It sounds so easy, but it's hard to put it in practice, and to put it to practice every day. I can't do it. But I am trying. So what is authenticity?

Existentialism's authenticity emphasizes living true to oneself, embracing personal freedom, and taking responsibility for choices. Being authentic involves self-awareness, honesty, and rejecting societal expectations that compromise individuality.

By living authentically, one can become a better human being by cultivating genuine relationships, finding meaningful purpose, and facing life's challenges with integrity and courage. Authenticity liberates individuals from conformity, allowing them to develop their unique potential and contribute more meaningfully to their own lives and the world around them.

The design behind Authentic Atoms does just this. When you live authentically, you need to face your fears, weaknesses, and you need to suffer. I'm still lazy and weak. But Im facing them everyday. I know im weak, and I have no excuses. I'll make sure to fight yesterdays me, everyday.

So there you have it.

Live authentically, love life.


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