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  • Writer's pictureAuthentic Atoms

Pink Floyd

The world is too comfortable. Are we happy working a 9 to 5, eat, sleep, and repeat?

I know a lot of people that hates their jobs.. well not 'hate'... they can tolerate it but they just don't like it. I remember working at a recruitment agency as a marketer. I didn't hate it, but I didn't like it. I could've stayed there, but I wanted to pursue my career.

So, what makes us so comfortable, even if we don't necessarily like our jobs?

It's the phenomenon of Commuting Paradox

It describes the ability to endure or tolerate moderate suffering, such as a long commute, when living close to the job location but finding it difficult to do the same when living far away from the workplace. This is often observed due to the convenience and time-saving benefits of living near the job, which can outweigh the discomfort of the work itself.

It's the feeling of being comfortably numb.

I really want everyone to become the best version of themselves.

Don't trap yourself.

Peace ✌️

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